Izaberimo zajedno ,,Najbolje iz Srbije’’/Let’s choose together ,,The best from Serbia!’’

Poštovani prijatelji, saradnici i kolege,

Agencija Blumen group prethodnu, 2012. godinu, završila je uspešno, o čemu svedoče i brojna priznanja koja su nas obradovala kako od kolega iz struke u zemlji, tako i na međunarodnom nivou.

Zato vas pozivamo da nas još jednom podržite u našim nominacijama na konkursu ,,Najbolje iz Srbije’’ u:

Nakon prijavljivanja putem registracionog formulara na vašu e-mail adresu dobićete link za glasanje i jednim klikom u svakoj kategoriji ostavljate svoj glas.

Glasanje traje do 15. februara 2013. godine.

Izaberimo zajedno ,,Najbolje iz Srbije!’’.


Vaš Blumen group

Dear colleagues, associates and friends,

Last year was very successful for our agency, Blumen group, and many awards from our colleagues in the country and abroad, confirms that we have done a good job and we are on the right way in promoting and improving Public Relations profession.

That is why we are calling you to support us once more in our nominations at the contest ,,The best form Serbia!’’.

We have been nominated in the Service Sector in the following categories:

After registering , you will receive on e-mail the link to follow for voting for your favourites.

Voting is open until February 15th 2013.

Let’s choose together ,,The best from Serbia!’’

Thank you!

Your Blumen group

Beograd, 11000 Radoja Domanovića 16 | office@blumengroup.rs